ll. ABDULHAMID(1842-1918)

ABDULHAMID HAN II (1842-1918) ABDULHAMID II (1842-1918) , was the 34th ruler of the Ottoman empire. The son of Abdul-Medjid I and Tirimujgan, a Circassian, he was born on Sept. 21, 1842. He came to the throne during one of the most critical periods in the later history of the empire. The Tanzimat (reorganization) reform edicts, proclaimed first in 1839 and expanded in 1856, had prepared the ground for constitutional change and liberalization of the state. A group of ministers, including the constitutionalist Midhat Pasha and one group of traitors Pashas, Abdul Aziz's He cut his ankle and killed him in May 1876 and placed his nephew Murad V on the throne. Murad’s deranged mind necessitated his removal from the throne. Abdul-Hamid had declared himself in favor of constitutional government, and the fact that he had been associated with the liberal Society of New Ottomans won the confidence of the liberals,...