
Showing posts from February, 2017

Easy Menu Blog

                            EASY MENU BLOG Hi. here are my new ideas for tasty menu  First , I've got some snacks. I love noodle and chips. After that, I've got russian salad for the starter. Next is the main course. Today it's chicken breast with bechamel sauce in the oven. I love eating these. They are very tasty. Finally , my favourite: dessert! There's gullaç with pomegranate. I like this because there is milk and it's easy to make. First of all, there is 10 pieces of yufka, 1,5 liter milk, 3 pieces of water glass granulated sugar, 1 packet vaniline with sugar. It is made by using these. Mmm! Delicious. Enjoy your Mail. I hope, we will see you next month. Take care of yourself.

David Guetta

                               DAVID GUETTA                                                     THE SUPERSTAR  DJ WİTH 70  MILLION HİTS ON  YOUTUBE                                                        He  is French. He lives in Paris, but he works all over the World.                 He is a very famous DJ . He is number 3 in the 'Top 100 DJs' pool.         He Works with a lot of  pop stars, such as        Britney Spears, Celine  Dion, and Madonna. He sometimes writes songs for the pop stars . He really  likes Lady Gaga, and he wants to work with her . he's job is very exciting, and his likes he's  job a lot. He is married to Cathy . Cathy   come from Senegal . Cathy   isa businesswoman and an actress. cathy and his often go to ıbiza, every year,  Cathy   and he have partites there. He's parties.  Cathy   and his have partites. Cathy  and he have two children , and they love to spend time with the two children
Erzurum Area: 25.066 km² Population: 848.201 (1990) Traffic Code: 25 Erzurum is the biggest city of the Eastern Anatolian Region and is also a very ancient settlement place. As the city is established at the skirts of Palandöken Mountain, the city had gained great importance in the field of winter tourism during the recent years. The city houses numerous historically rich works of art and therefore the city is like a cultural center having the major potential for tourism. Districts : Aşkale, Çat, Hınıs, Horasan, Ilıca, İspir, Karaçoban, Karayazı, Köprüköy, Narman, Oltu, Olur, Pasinler, Pazaryolu, Şenkaya, Tekman, Tortum, Uzundere.                                                                       This is Palandoken  Ski track                          This is Ilıca