
İlgili resimArea: 25.066 km²
Population: 848.201 (1990)
Traffic Code: 25
Erzurum is the biggest city of the Eastern Anatolian Region and is also a very ancient settlement place. As the city is established at the skirts of Palandöken Mountain, the city had gained great importance in the field of winter tourism during the recent years. The city houses numerous historically rich works of art and therefore the city is like a cultural center having the major potential for tourism.
Districts : Aşkale, Çat, Hınıs, Horasan, Ilıca, İspir, Karaçoban, Karayazı, Köprüköy, Narman, Oltu, Olur, Pasinler, Pazaryolu, Şenkaya, Tekman, Tortum, Uzundere.                                                                      İlgili resimThis is Palandoken Ski track
İlgili resim
               This is Ilıca                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           erzurum ile ilgili görsel sonucuErzrurum EYOF


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